Shadow Journey
David Paul Ohmer: Chicago – Michigan Avenue Bridge Steps “Railing Shadows” We started where most lovers do — that starry-eyed place lit by candles.Our tongues mapped each other’s bodies. Next time, his teeth stenciled a crescent moon. Color rose, red to violet. Next time, the marks were stripeslight and dark, side by side, a repeating pattern,a codependency. Dark giving birth to light. This is my contribution to the Friday 55 at G-man’s blog. He has a great “Flash” this week. See what he and the other Friday 55 Flashers have done here. Mr. Knowitall
Friday Flash 55: Black Fruit
Flickr Photo Download: Black and White Blueberries Your seeds are the germ of desirestoo dark to share, and so they’re left on ice:never to blossom, go to fruit, go back to seed. The seeds are locked away in a vault,in an icebound cave,and there they will stay. It’s a shame.You could have sown those fantasiesin me. This is an old project I rewrote as flash fiction for G-man’s Friday Flash 55. He’s got a great flash this week and so do his other contributors. Drop by for more great reading.
Flickr Photo Download: Lonely Spotlighting I like keeping my secrets, tucking my thoughts away. It is so easy with you, keeping my shades drawn.I can listen, ask, and never tell. But then in a moment, a brief glance up, I’m captive. Your eyes search every shadow, every secret. I freeze, hypnotized, until you look down and set me free. You’ll find other contributions to the Friday 55 on G-Man’s blogHe has a great tribute posted this week. Drop by for a look.