Why mess with a good thing?
Mention reading ebooks and most people give you a dill-pickle face reaction. Then they take a deep breath and I know what’s coming. Before the first vibrations cross the space between their vocal chords and my eardrum, the words they will say reverberate like a stuck loop in my brain: “But I love the feel of a paper book, of turning the pages. You can’t get that from electronic books.” I’m reminded of my grandfather’s arguments about the superiority of horse over horseless carriage, and how the horse instinctively knew every stop along his mail route. “You can’t get that from a car,” he said. My grandmother had a similar…
Who I am
I’m an erotic romance writer. Being a writer used to mean typewriters and paper and a year or more to write a book. As recently as the 90s I made most of my submissions on paper. And not so long ago, being a romance writer meant you spoke about sex in terms of manhoods and womanhoods, or seed and loins. Writing and romance stories have changed. Those of us who write erotic romance are still defining who we are and what we write, a task further complicated by the fact books are undergoing an evolution and so is the job description. This quote sums that up in a number of…