Wastin’ a Day with Waster
I talked a friend into letting me log into Kitely with their FB user ID so I could look for Nara myself. Waster, the man who owns my heart, had the same idea. We bumped into each other there. The first time Waster and I bumped into each other in the swamp, things weren’t quite so cozy between us, but that’s all changed. We didn’t get a lot of searching done. Here’s a little video so those of you who can’t get into the swamp can see what you’re missing. Go here to explore for yourself: http://www.kitely.com/virtualworld/Nara-Malone/Quarterzswamp Credits: Thanks to LindaKellie.com and OpenSim-Creations.com for some of the objects and animations…
The Quarterz Swamp
This is the next world we’ve opened to search for Nara. Lilly tells me the clues in the last journal suggest the plot bunnies have moved her again. I have to say, I have a special place in my heart for this spot. It’s a setting from, Snatch Me, the book Nara wrote about me and Waster. While the Wasteland and Waster’s castle are my favorite spots, the Quarterz Swamp is a mysteriously beautiful. http://www.kitely.com/virtualworld/Nara-Malone/Quarterzswamp Have fun searching! ~Jolie
- #Opensim, animals, Animation, baby whale, Blue Whale Project, Creative Inspiration, Ferd Frederix, Linda Kellie, Nara's Nook Contest, Virtual Worlds, whale watching
My Baby Blue Whale: I’m in love
This is what I love about virtual worlds like Second Life and Kitely. I can’t think of an easier way to put myself in a character’s head when it comes to experiences I’ve never personally had.Now while it’s true that the virtual experience isn’t quite the same as actually standing on an ice floe getting sprayed by a baby whale I’m trying to teach to swim, it has that quality of wonder. It gets me close enough that my imagination can take me the rest of the way, and when I imagine scenes, the picture in my head doesn’t come close depicting what this animation did. Moving beyond putting an…