My First Glamourous Day as an E-book Author #ebookweek
I couldn’t get online because heavy rains knock out the sat link and leave me with no Internet. So I’m sitting in a local beauty shop, with glittery purple goop in my hair, blogging. The purple goop, I’m told, will leave my hair soft and shiny and not at all purple. Let’s hope this is true. This would be a bad week to wind up with purple hair. But that was the price to pay for the only wi-fi in town, so I made the sacrifice. In all the years I was imagining the day I made my debut as an author, I never once pictured it like this.
The Tiger’s Tale is up on the front page of the Ellora’s Cave site. It is so cool to log in there and see it, but I made a link for you right to the book page. All you have to do is click the cover and you can read an excerpt.
This is blog-my-brains-out release day so stay tuned for more. Next up is another contributing author spotlight and then another E-Book Week post. But first, I have to go stick my head in the sink for a rinsing.
Cathy M
You get to be beautiful and play on the internet at the same time, sounds like a great combo.
bought your book from ellora's cave loved it really hope you do a follow on as want to know what mischief marissa gets up to as she grows and what happens to maya . congrats on your new book and what a great one it is .
Wow, congratulations! I'm putting that on my to read list immediately
Beth C.
Congrats on your release day. I will be putting this one on my wish list til payday.
the tigers tale sounds like a great read. I really enjoy a good cat shifter book.
Congratulations on your new book. This will go on my to buy list.
Kelly Jamieson
That is so funny Nara! Reminds me of my first chat as an author when my internet went out and I had to rush to a nearby coffee shop with my laptop. Forgot my password to log in. Went home. Went back. Was all flustered. Oh yeah, it's so glamourous.
Alice Audrey
Major congrats on your publication!!! My first book came out one month ago, and I'm still enjoying it.
I take it the purple goop rinsed out just fine. Funny the places you find wireless now a days. The nearest one to me is a grocery store.