It may look that way to the world, or to at least the portion of it gathered in the Ellora’s Cave Chat, but I’d just like to say that I did not knowingly ask a military man about his cybersex life.
I missed most of the party because I was doing Samhain Cafe party. Now you've made me even sorrier to miss it. What's the thread title? I'd like to go look that one up.
Cathy M
That really was a fun chat day, Nara, and Tom's interview was a unique addition to group.
Beth C.
I missed most of the party because I was doing Samhain Cafe party. Now you've made me even sorrier to miss it. What's the thread title? I'd like to go look that one up.
Come on and share.You made me curious. what did you ask him and what did he say.