Midnight Butterfly
She used to float free as a butterfly
now she’s earthbound
wing beats crashing
chaos without flight
hunger spoiling softness
Imagining nothing
as he takes aim
pain strikes quick as a serpent
penetrates and ripples outward
his dark body ribboning
over skin pale as moonlight
Secrets snake toward escape
she surrenders, wings unfolding
like petals opening to taste evening mist
a metamorphosis born on a prick
a love potion injected to enslave her
And he has wrought the chains that will bind him
This post was written in response to the Carry On Tuesday Prompt. Go here to see what other contributed or to join the fun.
Nara Malone
I hadn't thought of that, but yes, given it came from a boxer it was a brutal prompt.
Thanks for the feedback, Laurie. I worried I went to far with that stanza. Glad to know it worked.
Tilly Bud
Sexy and sensual from what is, by association, a brutal prompt. Very nicely done.
Becca Givens
well written dark pen!!
thanks for visiting my place.
Beautiful and I love the term butterfly brain that you left in a blog comment for me, awesome!
Laurie Kolp
A sensual, seductive piece… I especially like the second stanza.
Mike Patrick
Wow! Enough sensual symbolism to set the world on fire. You handle the subject with a light touch, yet do the prompt proud. I really like this. The last line twist makes it so much better.
Thanks, Becca. I love the darkk.
Thanks, Madeleine. Glad you enjoyed.
Hey Jingle, it's great to be reading your work again.
It's nice to meet someone who appreciates what it is to have a butterfly brain.
Thanks for the feedback, Mike. It helps knowing what I did right.
Madeleine Begun Kane
Wow! Very powerful!