Rhyme of the Networking Addled Author
Little I ask, my wants are few…
I just want to write stories for you.
Network! Network! Be brazen. Be Bold.
That’s how readers find you, new authors are told.
So I make a tweet here, send a retweet there,
try to collect comments on my ability to communicate with wisdom and flair.
I encourage readers to follow me, stalk me around the web,
adding @’s, likes, and +’s to what I’ve said.
I have to make my Klout, PeerIndex, and mozRank numbers climb.
Will it earn me more clicks if I write blog posts that rhyme?
I’m not sure I’ve mastered this networking thing yet.
My listing as a baseball expert (???) doesn’t lend my author influence much heft.
Little I ask, my wants are few…
I only want to sit someplace quiet and write stories (that are not about baseball) for you.
This post was written in response to this week’s Carry On Tuesday Prompt. See what others have written or join the fun here.
You make a good point, Whitesnake. Page views are a more accurate way to tell if anyone sees your message. Thanks for the encouragement.
I think my meter is stuck. Maybe they don't update stats on the weekends.
I hope they help you with your message.
I appreciate every comment I get………however………pageviews……….. now that tells a different story…………
Just ta make ya feel better…..I have an average of 2 comments per post so if ya getting more than that ya on a winner.
Mind you my page views are averaging 60…………per post
You keep doing what ya doing and ya will be fine.
Hehehe….a lil competition might be fun!
The race is on!
becca givens
Very witty and cleverly mapped out … although I must admit I haven't a clue about:
I have to make my Klout, PeerIndex, and mozRank numbers climb.
Now I am off to figure out these new-to-me terms!
becca givens
I agree with both Mike and Nara … we do like to know when someone visits, and it is a challenge to comment without sounding lame. I appreciate all comments, no matter … Sometimes my comments are simple, but it doesn't mean to I am not impressed … sometimes I don't just don't know what to say – because quite frankly, I might not have a clue on about what the poet is sharing. … my two cents!!
Mary Kling
Mike, thanks for your reply to my question. You are so right that we thrive on anything remotely positive. I also thrive on people empathizing, understanding my words.
Nara Malone
Thanks, Mike. I had a feeling I wasn't alone in this.
Nara Malone
I don't think I fully appreciated how much comments meant to blog authors until I started blogging. I didn't appreciate how difficult it cam be to commentuntil I started commenting. Sometimes it takes 3 tries to get a commemt thru. Othertimes it is impossible to find where the comment button is hidden. But asking a question is a great way to get your readers talking to you. Some people are just shy about posting commemts everyone will see.
Mike Patrick
Mary, I think they follow you because they like your writing. Many don't comment because they fear their comments will be misunderstood. They don't realize we thrive on any remotely positive comment we receive.
Nara Malone
@Daydreamertoo Okay, now we're neck and neck. Race you to 50. It's crazy this stuff we do, right?
Mike Patrick
You speak for a multitude, and with humor. Terrific posting.
Mary Kling
Nara, this was really fun to read. So honest. And witty! Don't you wonder sometimes what it means for someone to 'follow'' you? I do. Most of my followers really do not often comment in my blog, so why do they follow? That's what I want to know. What do YOU think?
I'm really laughing out loud here!!!
I got a 44 score too ….and today it went up by ONE WHOLE POINT! Woooo Hoooo
I don't have baseball on my list of influences though (thank goodness) LOLOL