Hollywood on Writer’s Block
1. Gone With the Wind
Ten thousand words I didn’t write yesterday.
Ten thousand words I should write today.
Ten thousand words I’ll worry about tomorrow.
“After all, tomorrow is another day.” ~Scarlett
2. Ground Hog Day
Gone with the wind.
Gone with the wind.
Gone with the wind.
“What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn’t one today.” ~Phil
3. The Matrix
I will write.
Write I will.
Will I write?
“Anything is possible.” ~Neo
This post was written in response to this week’s Carry On Tuesday prompt and as a contribution to dVerse Poets Pub Open Link Night. Drop by to join the fun and to see what others have written.
All three made me smile… thanks
I like all three, great take on the prompt!
Brian Miller
if you call yourself a writer
you will write, or just tell
everyone you do at parties
to get free drinks…haha…
write every day.
Nicely done. Tomorrow never arrives because when it does it's NOW. So whatever we DO it can only be done NOW. All three made me smile.
Tania A
Nice take on the prompt .. one of those that I wish I'd written!
Natasha Head
Very smart! All three made me smile, but as a HUGE fan of Neo..well, what's a girl to do
Very clever take on the movies ~ I sometimes worry what I will write tomorrow but it comes somehow ~
She Writes Here Now
I actually like the combination of these. There is a feeling to me of the wanna be writer's desire for procrastination. Of course I realize they are separate, but they work together.
Audrey Howitt aka Divalounger
Oh I loved these!
This is so darn clever, Nara. Love it.
Siggi in Downeast Maine
Enjoyed this very much…
Victoria said it…So darn clever !
Siggi in Downeast Maine
Ground Hog sent me underground laughing so hard!
All very common-sensical – but also fun! k.
Rosemary Nissen-Wade
You said it!
Bradley Howington
Lovely, Nara! Writer's block is a pain in the @ss.
The second line of your third poem reminds me of Yoda and makes me smile!!!
Great words!!
Savannah Chase
Myrna R.
Easier said than done, to combat the absence of material to write about. I know there's always something to write about but sometimes the mind, at least mine, just goes blank.
This is wonderful. Glad I found this page. I was directed to an earlier April post of yours from my blog. No matter, it was nice to read more than one.
Very, very clever! You definitely explored 'tomorrow is another day' and you have to think about that in regard to poetic inspiration as well. When a poem is ready, it will come.
Mama Zen
This cracked me up!
very good…put a smile in my evening
You made me smile