death, fox, fox hunting, Friday 55, Grief, loss, Nara Malone, Poetry, Thanksgiving Day Blessing of the Hounds
Blessing the Hounds
The red fox has gone to ground,
leaving two old dogs,
gray muzzle and gray beard,
prowling the parlor rug
for scent gilded memories.
They have no thanks to give this year,
sit out hunting season dozing by her picture.
Awaiting hunt master’s final horn,
the only blessing they seek–
answering his home call together.
~Nara Malone
Some shades of gray in here for dVerse Poets Form for All and 55 words for the G-Man’s Friday 55. Drop by to see what others wrote or to join the fun yourself.
i hope they can answer his home call together… it's a blessing to grow old together…the hunt master's final horn… i like that… beautiful image
gray muzzle and gray beard …. I'm sure they were dreaming of the hunt….
What a wonderful picture you paint with those two dogs, and I agree with Claudia.. the horn calling works so well as metaphor for that wait for an end…
Laurie Kolp
sad, but beautiful
Some years are like that… thanks to give. And when the final home blows, I hope they will be together.
"gray muzzle and gray beard, prowling the parlor rug for scent gilded memories"- so much left to our imagination behind the lines Nara! Beautiful imagery!
I liked your approach to this piece and the hunting urge. >KB
Brian Miller
smiles…i am glad they can go home together you know…this makes for a nice metaphor as well…i hope in my old age for a similar fate….smiles…
And I like that ending, answering his home call together ~
Lovely 55 words ~ Happy Friday ~
Great sketch of the final sniff if life, with the fox gone underground.
Roslyn Ross
A picture painted in a few words. Nice.
Ronald Shields
A wonderful tale. The ending is very touching, moving. I have a huge soft spot for old dogs.
Glenn Buttkus
Interesting concept here, that old stud stallions, proud bulls, hunting dogs–when retired still have both their instincts & memories intact; puts me in mind of the Veterans I know who in the service during Vietnam, and now are put out to the past, shuffled into pods, forgotten, dismissed & how the PTSD & inbred instincts are still near the surface; nice job on the 55.
Alice Audrey
I feel like the call may never come. That would be too sad.
Nara Malone…
Now there are two words that gets the old heart pumpin!
I can relate to this story that's for sure
Loved your Foxy 55
Thanks for playing, I always miss you when you're gone, and I'm always tickled when you return, have a Kick Ass Week-End
The wait, to come eventually to be faced with all the dignity. ti gives time to reflect on memories certainly! Nicely Nara!
vivid, Nara ~
yes, vivid and strong – a good poem
Nice. Great relation of the dogs and the human. Vivid setting. Well-penned.
Marina Sofia
Awww, very touching. Loved the 'scent-gilded memories'…
Yvonne Osborne
This is very very nice. Poignant images, from the red fox to the two old dogs to the final horn. Enjoyed!
Grandmother (Mary)
An image and a wish born of love which is conveyed in this poem of your dogs.
Other Mary
Aww, this is a touching one Nara.
Mama Zen
This is beautiful.
This is great. Aging is hard on all of us, human and animal.
Such a delicate sense of sadness, loss, age, grief in this. Really well-drawn, Nara.
Ooooo, I really really liked this. Stellar imagery…just perfection.
Beautiful imagery and anyone who writes of foxes, wolves or animals is a plus for me – thank you – enjoyed.
Romantic, but in a subtle way, which is just my taste…
John (@bookdreamer)
And they will be even at the gates of death walk with your shadow…