
Girl’s Night in the Metaverse

Last Sunday night was Girl’s Night. Talla Adams, Siobhan Muir and I planned to drop in at a few adult regions and help promote them by grabbing some photos of what there is to do and see. Normally I run around the grid in ragged jeans or shorts and a tank top. But for this I decided to dress up. I dug out a pair of nice jeans the tigers hadn’t clawed. I ironed my hair. I put on shoes. Hey, I even accessorized with jewelry.

We met up at the Greyville landing area and made our first hop and then another and then another. For a variety of reasons we didn’t take any pictures and we won’t get into specifics but we concluded that our best course of action would be to return to Nara’s Nook and discuss the Adult Metaverse over drinks. First thing we all agreed on is that region owners should know we’re coming for a visit.

Talla Adams, Siobhan Muir, and I have done a lot of talking this week about what we’d like to see happen with the Adult Metaverse group on G+. As the group’s new moderators we had lots of ideas about things we’d like to do to make it a fun and friendly atmosphere where you can find information about shopping, regions to visit, and where region owners can discover what the adults in the metaverse would like to see in their regions.

One plan we had was a weekly Girl’s Night. We’d like to pick a region, drop in together for fun and pictures. Afterwards one of us will write a post about what we did and we’ll all share it throughout social media. We’re going to need your help with this. If there is a region or grid you run or love to visit, come tell one of us about it. We’d really like to meet the owner or members and learn about what they are creating. If you are having a party or special event invite us. We are open to visiting all grids in the metaverse, open or closed. Please keep in mind that what we can share has to be within the Google TOS.

We probably talked an hour or more. An adult metaverse is starting to grow in Opensim. What we hope to do, in this corner of the metaverse that will grow and develop with or without us, is to bring a blend of male and female voices into the discussion of what it will become. Girls like fun. We’d like places where ladies can find some.  Guys will define what guys like and that’s great. We will share about those regions too. Many of the author’s at Nara’s Nook write romance and we’d love to visit role-play regions where we can drop in to work out ideas for something like a pirate story or dystopian romance.  If you have adult regions that lean toward fantasy and romance I’m sure we are not the only ones who would love to hear about them and visit them. If you are a mature romantic region and don’t mind us sharing about your creation with the adult metaverse, we’d be happy to visit.

We’re not an adult grid but we had a good time at the book birthday party last night. I know the Nook isn’t the only place to have a good time. I hear strannik.zipper @piratesatoll.com:9032 had a rockin’ party Friday night. I couldn’t make it out for that because it was in the wee hours of the morn for me, but if we could catch a party there before midnight some time I’d love to walk the plank with some pirates. This is how the Nookettes walk the plank. That’s Seth up on the bar with Siobhan, Bambi, and Nara dancing on the planks. This was after the party. Mr. SM logged in to join us just before I ran out of steam and logged out. I understand they carried on until it was dawn somewhere in the world.

How do you have fun? We’d like to find out.

Overall our goals for Girl’s Night and Adult Metaverse Reviews:

1) We love sexy but keep it tasteful on the forum and for our visit photo shoots.
2) We’re especially interested in fantasy role-play and romantic couple getaways.
3) We’d like to see regions that cater to female interests as well as male.
4) We would love to be invited to your events and parties.
5) We want to look nice in the photos we take so think about applying a fix for the attachment bug if we’re hypergridding. Bald, legless and textureless women aren’t a great way to promote your worlds. If we can’t hypergrid to you, is there a way to move our hair shape, skin into inventory on your grid so we can look like ourselves?
6) We’re fond of shopping, so if you have regions to shop for sexy things, we’re there. Especially sexy things for men! The male wardrobes are too limited.
7) We’re also going to be adding theme days for the photo section of Adult Metaverse group and you can learn more about that by joining the group. We want to see tasteful, romantic, sexy, discreet photos of your worlds and the fun to be had there.
8) Once we get some nice visits arranged we’ll post time and hypergrid addresses ahead of time so anyone can join us.

~Nara Malone

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