data manipulations. Nara Malone Contact,  FaceBook Protest 2015,  Goind Dark on FB,  social media

Facebook Filtering Protest

I do a lot cool things in my quest to take romance into the next dimension. Things, thanks to software manipulations, you will never see if I post about them on Facebook. I originally wrote this post to go on my author page at FB. With news that data manipulations are going to get more aggressive and restrictive, I’ve joined with some other authors who are tired on FB blocking users who follow us from seeing our posts. We will go dark of Facebook for the first seven days of the new year to protest the new policy and after that I will gradually phaze out my activity on FB in favor of other forms of social media.

 If you’re an author or entrepreneur feeling the crush of the clamp down on your ability share your content with your friends and followers on FB, we hope you will join us. Share your decision to go drak on FB in all your groups on FB and throughout social media.

If you are among my friends and followers and want to support me by engaging with me on social media that allows me to interact with you, here is a list of places you can find me:

 1) Follow my author page at Amazon

2) You can find me, +Nara Malone on G+ :

3) You can follow me on Twitter [@nara_malone]

4) View my pics on Pinterest

 I’ll be trying some new social networks like

 6) Ello

 As always you can:

5) Read my author blog
6) Read the blog for our virtual Greyville Writer’s Colony

7) Visit me in-world at hypergrid address following these directions.


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