Wing Walker
OnceSheloved flasheye-candy menlickable lollipops of bronzed musclehot piston bodies pumping pleasure through the nightinnocence exploring the childhood of her womanhood, sweet couplings that soothed without satisfying. Until… He whispered, bodiless voice thrumming “The best sex happens from the neck up.”Commands launched her, walking wings of his desire. Mind game, word fuck, captured her, imagination unbound.Mind candy savored eternally. ~Nara Malone That last line of the first stanza won’t fit on one line but it should be one line. Fibonacci and I are are both out of our comfort zones on this one. This is my contribution to dVerse Poets OpenLinkNight. Stop by to see what others wrote or to…
Friday 55: On Missing
My first stab at giving grief a face three years ago. Not pretty. Ragged feelings on the page. It gave voice to that raw, empty ache I had in my middle, that something missing. I could barely form sentences and needed a picture to take up the slack. Making poetry and art helped me through. ~Nara Malone This post is for my running buddy Violet who just buried her mother.For +Mera Kranfel who just lost a friend.For my dad–still missing you Daddy but most days the memories have smiles attached instead of tears.And for G-Man and the Friday 55 gang–missing you all is something I can fix.Drop buy G-Man’s site on…
Stalking the Undefinable Me
I usually avoid filling out web profiles. I supply vague answers where I must and skip the rest. Even my profile pictures tend toward, vague, misty, barely there. Once I took one of those personality tests that is supposed to define who you are. It was part of an on-the-job workshop, something to teach us to understand customers better. The workshop leader grabbed my form from the stack of results and held it up for the group to see. “Look,” she said, “I’ve never seen one like this before. It’s almost a perfect flat line. This is just what we want to strive for.” She went on to explain that…