- chuck-wills, E-books, e-reading, habitat, hardwoodforest, logging, ReadanE-BookWeek, ThreeWordWednesday, vanishinghardwoods
Why do I?
Mist the Oak Tree by wabberjocky For my old dog who loves his job herding deer from garden back to woodsFor the deer, silent shadows moving between trunks at dusk, feeding on acornsFor the acorns that grow into sturdy oaks with roots like armor around the chuck-wills burrowFor the the branches that provide a jungle gym for energetic squirrels to climb toward the skyFor the sky that sends the rains back to the canopy of leaves and the shelter of oakwoodFor the leaves that paint blue mountains in shades of gold and orange in the fall Because the veil was torn from my eyes in those years the loggers cameBecause…
My First Pocket E-Reader
My first portable e-reader was this Toshiba Pocket PC. It’s a bit heavy and fat to fit in a pocket but it fit in my purse and held it’s battery power for longer than I could tolerate reading a back-lit screen. It’s great for reading in the dark. I had Microsoft Reader, Adobe Reader, and Mobipocket Reader installed. I kept libraries on compact flash cards that fit in a slot at the top. It worked well because I could pop my card in the card reader on my desktop PC or on my laptop and pick up where I’d left off in any book as I moved between devices. It…
- AshlynChase, E-BookEvolution, E-Bookhowto, E-librarygiveaway, e-reading, FindingFreeE-books, InternetArchive, KellyJamieson, NanD.Arnold, ReadanE-BookWeek, SundayScribblers
E-Reading Fluency 101
¿A qué huele un e-book? ceslava on Flickr – Photo Sharing! Do you read E? In 8 years of recovering data for people with computer problems, I recovered an e-book folder with content exactly twice. And once I recovered an authors e-book from a document folder. If I strike up a conversation about e-reading or pull out a reading device in a public place I find plenty of people who are interested, but none who know how to read e-books. I do. I may be the queen of e-reading. If I was stopped on the street and offered a hundred bucks for every e-reading device I could pull out of…