- Blind Heat, Coming soon, Ellora's Cave, face blind, Nara Malone, new release, Paranormal, shape shifter
Final Heat on Blind Heat
I’m secluded and finishing the final edits on my next release, deadline is the April 30. Hopefully I’ll be close enough to done to get back to regular blogging by next week. If not it’ll be after the 3oth.
Above is a glimpse at what’s coming.
- capture role-play, capture roleplay, capture romance, Ellora's Cave, Erotic Romance, Nara Malone, Nara Malone's Books, Sex Bytes, Snatch Me, wirtual world romance, Writing Life
Snatch Me: A Virtual World Capture Romance
I just signed a contract with Ellora’s Cave to publish my capture romance, Snatch Me, as part of their Sex Bytes series. I was not planning to write this story. Every time a scene started unfolding in my imagination I shut it down and said, “I do not have time for this story right now. The deadline was looming too close for me to finish in time.” My muse, ornery critter that she is, wouldn’t listen. She went on strike. I was running in place on every project I had going. My mind was an empty bucket. Finally I surrendered and let Snatch Me take over my life for several…