- Blind Heat, cat shifters, erotic ritual, Erotic Romance, face blind, Nara Malone, pantherian, Pantherian Passions, Paranormal romance, Passion, Therian, therian fiction, therianthrope
Blind Heat Release and Giveaway
It’s finally here, the sequel to the Tiger’s Tale. You asked for it, wonderful readers, and I have finally delivered–it’s release day for Blind Heat, the second book in the Pantherian Passions series. It’s a big read with lots of adventure, Passion, and romance. Wonderful paranormal romance author, Siobhan Muir is hosting me today over at The Weird, the Wild, and the Wicked blog. Drop by to learn more about Blind Heat and comment to get into the drawing for a copy of the first book in the Pantherian Passions series, The Tiger’s Tale.
- Blind Heat, Coming soon, Ellora's Cave, face blind, Nara Malone, new release, Paranormal, shape shifter
Final Heat on Blind Heat
I’m secluded and finishing the final edits on my next release, deadline is the April 30. Hopefully I’ll be close enough to done to get back to regular blogging by next week. If not it’ll be after the 3oth.
Above is a glimpse at what’s coming.