- alone, Carry On Tuesday, Erotic Romance, Pantherians, shapeshifter romanace, shapeshifters, Therianthropes, Writing Life
The Picture In My Head
I write to pictures. Sometimes I browse Flickr for ideas. Sometimes it’s a picture I see with my eyes shut. This is what I see right now: A perfect blend of shadow and light rendered the snow leopard invisible as he crept sleek and silent through frosted woods. Where woods broke away to a ball field, he broke into a run, sending powdery snow up in plumes, his lean belly skimming just a feather’s breadth above the ground. Wind ruffled his fur, sang in his ears. The forest thickened on the other side, but it was like welcoming arms closing around him, inviting a companion. He craved the comfort of…
#EarthDay Gifts from me for you and the Planet
Baby rabbit by foshie on Flickr – Photo Sharing! It’s Earth Day and I can’t think of a better day to get back to blogging. I have gifts for the earth and my readers this week. For readers I’ll be giving away three prizes from the PETA Store. I will name three winners at noon ET next Friday, April 30th. Here’s all you need to do to enter. Email the rabbit from The Tiger’s Tale — blogginbunny (insert at-sign) gmail.com (One email per reader please) for a chance to win a tote. Follow blogginbunny on twitter for a chance to win a mug. Comment here on any or all blog…
Therians are coming
More Therian Art. If you leave the text and credits intact, they’re free for the taking. Just don’t alter the image please.