One Single Impression: The Stranger
This is my first impression for the One Single Impression poetry prompt. This week poets are blogging their impressions of: The Stranger. I’ve used a narrative poetry form I like to play with. Three parts, 69 words each, not counting the titles.
Flickr Photo Download: Good morning Mr. Toad
The Stranger
1. Wanted: One Toad
I know, right where I lost him,
the exact moment he slipped from my fingers,
landed on his head, and shattered our lives.
He didn’t want the hospital.
I should have listened.
They wheeled him away on a stretcher
and gave a stranger back.
I told the doctor I had someone else’s pet.
She pointed at the wristband,
as if that plastic label could make him who he isn’t.
2. Not Wanted: One Puppy
My toad had a whiskey-spiked smile
that always got him his way.
He drove like a demon,
sneaking a hand up under my skirt,
as the cornfields sped by.
The stranger huddles in the passenger seat,
shivering like a puppy from the pound,
his eyes squeezed shut,
hands clasped white-knuckle tight,
while I drive slow.
In case you’re wondering: kissing a puppy won’t turn him back to a toad.
3. Living with a Stranger
He’s house trained, now.
He picks up his underwear,
puts the seat down,
eats with a spoon.
His smile is like a tail wag;
he offers it when he doesn’t know what I want.
I guess he will grow on me.
I will somehow learn to love
this obedient child.
But, what I really want
is my old green toad of a husband back.
This wasn’t a fair trade.
View other poets and their impressions here.
What a pure delight to read this. So sad yet such humor.
This was a heartbreaking ride.
the loss of something treasured, now kept.
Kept is the larger tragedy. Welcome to OSI! I look forward to reading more of your poetry.
Wow. Love this.
Poignant – tears with a dash of humor, a paradox of poetic…beautifully done!
Nara Malone
@OSI poets I've really enjoyed getting around to see everyone's work. I feel like I have so much to learn from all of you. Thank you for the warm welcome.
@Kelly Big hug.
Kelly Jamieson
This made me cry.
glad to see u at OSI, and i liked this.
though the three are too good to be separated into better and bests, i personally liked the last one best!
looking to reading more from u…
wow–I love your style! so very clever, very well-written!
I'm glad to 'meet' you–and I look forward to reading more!
A see-saw of emotion there. Nicely done.
The Dark Lord
Narrative poetry at its best!! So glad you've joined..
The three stages were a great read.. quite agree with "Fledgling Poet".. juxtaposed with events that were humorous and then tragic..
Seemingly a rare situation, but strangely, something with which we can relate to…
Nara, these are soooooo nice. I am glad you joined in, please stay on. And thanks for your visit, I wrote my poem to cover a human mother-daughter situation but to lighten it up somewhat I added the 'twist' towards the end. So, no, I couldn't put the pictures at the top of the posting.
At times I lived the puppy part, of course he would paw up your skirt when sitting beside you in the car. Or sit on your lap. Our Adi did that.
And I felt sorry for you not having your old-self-husband back.
I felt the pain and the humor and the love as these emotions rolled over me in waves with this. Thanks for joining us.
Fledgling Poet
This was sharp and poignant…one moment I would see the humor, and in the next very moment I would see the tragedy. What an interesting tug on my emotions! Excellent read.