The Fantasies That Keep Us Going
I began my journey with The Tiger’s Tale at the end of January, 2008. I attached my story to a contest entry form, took a deep breath for courage and hit send. I was hoping for useful feedback and was stunned by a win. Winning was a start, but there was a long trek between the win and landing a publishing contract.
When I’m running in a long distance race, I use mental tricks to get myself through the tough spots, those places where I don’t believe I can put one foot in front of the other one more time. I might visualize the clock as I cross the finish line, or imagine a handsome volunteer hanging a finisher’s medal around my neck. I can’t believe some of the miseries I’ve endured for the sake of a finisher’s medal.
I got the author’s version of a finisher’s medal yesterday — my first book cover. Nice!
Hey Christine. Thanks for dropping by. I've been missing my blogging buddies. I need to look in and see how things are going at your farm. You take the most gorgeous photos. I wish you had some tigers
Love it! I'd say that's better than a finisher's medal.