Rain Making
I’m combining two prompts this week (didn’t finish this in time to post it yesterday and I needed something more to make this work, like the 3 words from Three Word Wednesday!) so I made it a little longer than usual. We’re closing in on drought conditions here, and I thought I might try to tease a little rain from the clouds.
Three Word Wednesday words are: bait, jump, victim
This Week’s Carry On Tuesday Prompt is from the first line of the 2008 novel
The Invention of Everything Else by Samantha Hunt
Lightning first, then the thunder. And in between the two……..
The Lake
Liquid Light glides over her skin.
She shivers, undulates with pleasure.
She welcomes this lovers touch,
makes it part of herself,
opening, drinking him in
drawing him down into her moist depths,
flowing around him,
lifting and tugging him deeper
on a tide of pleasure.
Attracted by her breathy sighs and gurgles,
Wind joins in,
turning the duet into a threesome,
adding a new rhythm to their mating.
Soft rippling kisses stir desire.
Sighs rise to moans,
swaying to rocking,
thrusting to pounding,
throbbing to craving.
Wind with his clever fingers
roaming everywhere at once,
slipping in here and pinching there,
probing delicate depths.
Light’s tongues just as devilish,
licked, nipped, nibbled.
And in between the two…
Lake moaned,
slippery and hot,
baiting them with playful slaps.
Lake struggled to escape their sweet torture,
bucking and wriggling in her earthen bed,
pluming upward in clouds of steam.
She blocked Light, turned the sky a prosaic purple,
held Wind captive under humid, cumulus banks.
She gathered herself in voluptuous waves,
tossing frothy white caps,
rumbling warnings as the pair stalked her.
They weren’t deterred by her pretense.
She knew they wouldn’t be.
Wind ripped through the bonds,
and whipped her writhing body,
until her watery sobs rose,
a harmonic backup to his howls.
Not to be out done, Light drove deep,
impaling her on jagged bolts.
Bound tight between two magnetic forces,
captive between opposing poles,
Lake was helpless to do more
than ride sizzling currents.
Like greedy bandits they ravaged and plundered.
Lake played her victim role,
injecting sobs and shrieks between moans and sighs,
Until she forgot the game, wrapped herself tight around them,
shuddered, jumped, and dissolved with a shiver.
Rain sheeted down,
backlit by blue bolts streaking across the sky,
tossed and bounced on Wind’s rocketing thrusts.
Below, the earth trembled under pounding waves.
The trio swirled and twisted,
wringing every drop from their rapture.
Spent, the they collapsed in her silt bed.
Lake curled there as day dawned,
content, a smooth rippleless mirror,
basking in Light’s pleased golden glow.
Wind shifted gently over them,
a soft blanket,
holding them close,
wrapping them in the earthy scent
raised by the night’s storm.
~~Nara Malone
Visit Carry On Tuesday
and Three Word Wednesday to see what other participants have written.
Thomma Lyn
Oh my. Gorgeous and sensual. I need a cool shower now.
who knew weather could be so um…hot. Gotta go smoke a cigarette now
ohmygosh! I read your epic poem three times.
gorgeous visuals as well as content and meaning.
VERY impressive writing and uniqueness of
thought, Nara.
Thanks for stopping by everyone. Glad you enjoyed.
My favourite image is of rain being "backlit by blue bolts"! A beautiful, impassioned personification of Nature's characters engaged in natural activities!
passion and sensuality of nature.. lovely expressions!
gautami tripathy
Passion of nature. I really liked it.
like an automata
very sensual. Nature can be like that, and you've brought that out in spades.
elegant image,
love the beauty in your words.
Wow. Can I take a dip?
The images here are so fresh and ethereal. The lines carry me from the ecstasy of lovemaking to the ecstasy of being submerged in water and light and nature.
Very visual, sensual…What a lovely poem!
The weather has never been so passionate.