Gazing into the past,
memories blur and ripple.
I can’t give you a face,
but your voice comes back
to me in surround sound.
You loved to play me like
that, tonguing the notes,
hammering staccato
and alluring caress,
scaling between codas.
Even with eyes open,
dim reflections disrupted,
harmonic vibes replay.
You’re still hitting all
those right notes, baby–
playing from the inside out.
I can’t escape your touch,
that lazy baritone ,
sliding under my skin
like a needle hung up
on grooves cut deep in
an old vinyl record.
~Nara Malone
This post was written in response to the Sunday Scribblings prompt: Reflect. Drop by to see what others wrote or to join the fun yourself. I did some revising in preparation for dVerse poets Open Link Night. Drop buy and celebrate poetry month with a wonderfully diverse and friendly crowd.
image credit–Self Portrait by ignorism_isnt_bliss, on Flickr
keith hillman
What a sensual poem. Made me go quite gooey!
Sensual indeed..I hope it is a good groove to be stuck in though..although it is probably better than a junk groove any day! Jae
Nara Malone….
You SIZZLE!!!!!!!!!
Brian Miller
oo la la….you got some nice music going on in this one nara…love that last stanza as well…groovy…smiles.
Oooo… stuck in the groove with you, baritone voice and all. Lovely, sensual, romantic, sad.
Touches all the senses.
whew…that's the kinda music that fits my taste…smiles…nicely done…love the vinyl records and the deep cutting grooves…love the sensuality..
Laurie Kolp
I, too, like the vinyl records and deep cutting grooves… and I love that music. Enjoyed this!
I like the sensual images of the tongue and baritone voice like a needle ~ Nice share ~
mrs mediocrity
yes, love the way it all spins down to that ending!
Really like how the poem gives a slow jazz type of mood, and the sensual feel. A very nicely composed piece.
Thanks for this.
– Ravenblack
Fred Rutherford
Hot piece. Love the images you chose here, outstanding choices. Especially theYou loved to play me like
that, tonguing the notes,
hammering staccato
and alluring caress,
scaling between codas. Spectacular stanza. Thanks
amazing what the voice can do
James Rainsford
Deliciouly sensual. Its musical mantra had me enslaved from first word to last. Great job!
John (@bookdreamer)
Uneven Stephen
Fantastic imagery. I love the musical metaphors throughout.
Love the idea of baritone touch! K.
Buddah Moskowitz
OMG, this was terrifically sexy and romantic. wooee!
Wow- this slides smoother than ice- thanks.
Jannie Funster
Really wonderful, Nara. Beautiful music made together. Bet there were some awesome codas!!
Jannie Funster
Really wonderful, Nara. Beautiful music made together. Bet there were some awesome codas!!
WOW great imagery Nara!
Myrna R.
You tell it like it is. This was really a fun read.