
Passion’s Portal Headed Your Way

passion flower

I’m part of a multi-author series just approved by my publisher, Ellora’s Cave. As soon as I fire off the final edits on Blind Heat this coming Monday, I’ll be turning my attention back to Make Me Wet–a selkie story that will be my first contribution to the series. But you don’t have to wait on me to enjoy the story. Marilyn Campbell is in final edits on her story, the first in the series. Authors Brandi Evans, Shannon Emmel, and Charlotte Stein are also hard at work on their submissions.

 We’re gonna make this a long hot summer. 😉

Drop in at the Passionate Reads blog today to read the teasers. Come on, you know you love a little teasin’…

PASSION’S PORTAL, has been approved for development as a paranormal, erotic romance series at Ellora’s Cave. The stories will be individually written but tied together by the Sisterhood of the Elemental Goddesses and Shadowling Manor, a spooky old mansion on the northeast coast of Maine. Witches, wizards and warlocks, werewolves, shifters, dragons and selkies… Shadowling Manor is an Equal Opportunity Paranormal Environment. Every room has a secret, every portrait a history, and any door just might be a portal to another realm. Sex magick is at the core of the Sisterhood’s power and the energy created during sexual activity is what keeps Shadowling’s portals open.

In hopes of intriguing you to stay tuned for release updates, here are some teasers of the first five books

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