Knowing You
How do I know you? I have my own way.
I know you by height and width and shape
That negative space outline your body fills
I know you by the way your hair goes to curls in the rain
Misbehaving brown corkscrews shot with gold
And by the lilt your tongue gives certain vowels when you’re aroused
Or the rickety clack your tone takes when you’re annoyed
I know you by the company you keep
Ragged men with ragged souls
I know you by the places you haunt
Junkyards of lost causes that you find new uses for
I can’t wax poetic about a blue-eyed devil or patrician nose or chiseled jaw
I can’t picture a face
But I know you on the inside
That when you walk through a door I’ll feel the sun rise inside me
I know you are the only one who makes me feel an inner sun
And despite all the times a haircut or a new hat or a cold in your head
Tricks me into thinking I don’t know you
I believe that if one day we met on level ground
As spirits rather than bodies
I would know you
Because I know you from the inside out
I know you by heart
This post was written as a contribution to dVerse Poets Open Link night. Stop by to see what others wrote or to join the fun yourself.
Natasha Head
Just fantastic! I have so much trouble expressing sentiments such as these, and bow humbly to any who can share these feelings in such a sincere and poetic way. Perhaps one day, after enough reading and sharing, I'll be able to open my heart, and in turn my pen, to be able to write like this. Wonderful work!
Brian Miller
the rickety clack…ha…really like that…and all the little nuances we know them by…i like that you choose the less obvious ones as well….i know you on the inside…that is a beautiful thing…
mrs mediocrity
ragged men with ragged souls…
this was so intriguing, romantic yet mysterious… nice!
C Rose
Lovely expression of the felt sense of inner being in connection ~ Rose
Brings out the hopeless romantic in me!
very honest supposition that the heart defines its needs without preordained visions…we may have met or we may never, ut we will know when we do….nice write

if you care to:
Denise Golinowski
I agree with all the lovely comments expressed above and would add my appreciation of your sharing such an evocative poem with us. The depth of emotion rings through like a bell.
How romantic…I like that you do not get into the more obvious things you would know someone by. It is the little nuances in a person that make them special and yours. Lovely poem.
Nara Malone…
What a gift you are!
Because of you, there is still hope for Romance and, dare I say it?…Passion.
Thank You…G