Alternative to ARe Deal and More Great Deals for Readers
Looks like I had the bestseller for All Romance Ebook’s deals today. Unfortunately, they have announced they are closing at the end of the month. So I thought as an alternative offer, I would give a copy of The Snow Leopard’s Tale to anyone commenting here at the blog. You have to comment at the blog as opposed to social media posts where you see this shared, as I need your email address to send the book and the blog comment form will collect that for me. This is today only.
The Snow Leopard’s Tale is the second book in my award-winning Pantherian Tales series. You can read an excerpt here.
The third book in the series, The Grizzly’s Tale is up for pre-order and you can get an excerpt and watch the trailer here. A Goodreads giveaway for print copies of The Grizzly’s Tale opens today. Check it out and get entered.
Goodreads Book Giveaway
The Grizzly’s Tale
by Nara Malone
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Because it is the season of giving, I’m not done yet. We still have the giveaways of books and a Kindle Fire going to celebrate the launch of The Future of Fiction Ezine. The magazine features monthly articles exploring cutting edge storytelling.
What do you have do to collect free books or gifts from author’s Siobhan Muir and Shannan Albright and Nara Malone as well as be entered in the drawing for the Fire? Subscribe to the ezine. The winner of the Fire will be chosen at the end of the month.

read your snatch me book which was fab and am going to buy others – any idea of another company to buy from – dont like amazon too much… with thanks
Nara Malone
Hi, I sent you a copy of Snatch Me. I'm frustrated that readers may have trouble getting the books they ordered at ARe so making sure they can get to them until the site closes. But as for the others, I will create a payhip account which will let you use Paypal to buy my former EC books right here at my blog and all new releases will be available through Troll River Publications: http://www.trollriverpub.com/store/c1/Featured_Products.html
Hope you enjoy the stories.
There's also an instafreebie of The Snow Leopards Tale here: https://www.instafreebie.com/free/wMZnY