• dreams,  Flash 55,  Flash Fiction,  nature,  Nature Poetry,  night lover,  Poetry,  sensual prose poem

    Night Watch

    Night makes love to me from its darkest heart. Solitude scalding retro innocence.Twinkling eyes, a turquoise universesend chill bumps up my arms. Owl flute, cricket violin,spilling seedhaunting notes running over my skin.Micro alchemy. Cold breath against the toe peeking from under cover.Intrastimulation eating thoughts,dissolving reality with onyx tears. ~Nara This post was written as a contribution to G-man’s Friday Flash 55. Click here to see what others wrote or to join the fun yourself.

  • Carry On Tuesday,  dreams,  Flash Fiction,  hawaii,  Isreal,  Iz,  Kamakawiwo'Ole,  Poetry,  stars,  twinkle

    I Had a Perfect Dream

    While the fire crackled and the wind tossed ice pellets against the window, I wrapped up in a bright blue shawl decorated with dolphins and dreamed a perfect dream. Snow flakes turned into a magic carpet. I rode a glittering Milky Way to a land of palm trees and beaches draped in gold and black sand. Sigh. I’m going to have to make this dream come true. This post was written in response to the Carry On Tuesday Weekly prompt, “I had a perfect Dream. See details on Carry On Tuesday’s prompt  here. Or see what this week’s particiants wrote here.