• flash,  Gardens,  Growth,  Me,  Poetry,  Rebellion,  SundayScribblings


    Cottage Garden by sean hickin on Flickr – Photo Sharing! I wrote this in response to an assignment for I class I was taking several years ago. My younger sister saw the page on my desk and said, “What a pretty poem.”  I explained that it wasn’t a poem and I didn’t know anything about writing poetry. She told me the coolest thing about poetry is that there don’t have to be any rules. I was hooked. So, I’m still indulging in my ruleless scribbling and still envying those who can apply the formal rules so beautifully. I envy the beauty of a formal garden. I imagine appearing neatly clipped,…

  • flash,  Flash Fiction,  Friday55,  Poetry

    Losing Mikey

    Going down by n0nick on Flickr – Photo Sharing! Death came out of nowhere, grief arcing across a bright blue autumn sky.Your mother rocks in her chair, empty-armed, shattered.Your father tightens doorknobs, oils hinges, mends tools, fixes every broken thing he can find.It’s like watching a stunt plane in a spiraling dive, bracing for a crash.I steal the faucet washers. ~Nara Malone This post was written for G-Man’s Friday Flash 55. See what other participants wrote here.

  • BDSM Romance,  erotic,  Fiction,  flash,  Flash Fiction,  gourmet,  peaches,  summer

    How-to manual for finding a perfectly pluckable peach

    Jackie Martinez #20883 on Flickr – Photo Sharing! The good peach should have some weight, a heft in your hand. She should fill your fingers. Now, exert a light tension with the pads of your fingers on the skin, a tugging apart, fingers and thumb pulling in opposite directions, just so. If she’s ready, the skin will part to reveal glistening, succulent flesh. ~Le Marquis de Bond From The Dungeon Gourmet, by Nara Malone This is posted as part of G-Man’s Friday Flash 55. See what other participants posted here.I’ve been so busy writing there’s been no time to blog lately. It’s almost peach season, so I thought I’d take…