How Wrong Can Research Go?
I was hanging upside down by my ankles, caught in a rookie trap, while three hunters dueled over me.I explained when the winner cut me loose,“I’m not here for sex submission. I’m a writer researching virtual roleplay.”He nodded and smiled. A leash snapped out,coiled around my neck.“No Anglais,” he said. ~~~~~~~~~~Okay, this wasn’t fiction, but it happened in virtual reality, which is sort of fictional, right? I’d tell you what happened next, but I don’t want to break any more rules and I’m at the word limit.
This post was written as a contribution to G-Man’s Friday Flash 55. Click here to see what others wrote or to join…
May Pole Dancing
You remember the May Pole Dance they taught in grade school. You skip around the pole, weaving in and out with colored ribbons? This ain’t that. [youtube=always] I was doing a little research on the art of pole dancing for a story I’m working on. I thought this looked like fun. The rain has stopped and the sun is out. There’s no wash on the line. Maybe I’ll give it a try. Hopefully the rescue squad is having a slow day and will be available if things don’t work out. Blogged with the Flock Browser