- author life, book trailer, Cooking, fire, Friday 55, Hard Alley, Hard Rust, Nara Malone, second life, Snatch Me
Authors Beware: Recipe for Disaster
This is why it happened.I was on autopilot–my head writing a story,the rest of me in the kitchen. Always a recipe for disaster.Virtual world FLAMES crawledinto the Real world.The smoke detector SCREAMED Two pots got welded together. Forget dinner.Stick to the story:Writers cook best outside a kitchen. ~~Can you tell I’ve been working on a book trailer for Snatch Me all week? The story has nothing to do with cooking, but some of the pictures are from my work on the story trailer. A story that’s apparently hot enough to scorch my kitchen. Hope you enjoyed my Friday 55. Drop by G-Mans site to see what others wrote or to…
How Not to Get Outwitted by a Virtual Hunt
It’s easy to feel witless when you first tackle a virtual world, and Second Life has a reputation for a brain-twisting learning curve. I’d like to say that wasn’t my experience, but I have done my share of smacking into doors that close before I can get through them, getting stuck on low hanging objects when I fly, and getting dumped bald and naked into the center of a crowd of people because my viewer crashed while I was changing and delivered me to someplace not my home when I logged back in. Second Life has been working harder at making itself more accessible, and while some of these things…
- capture roleplay, capture romance, Erotic Romance, french, friday flash, human hybrid research, popsicle, second life, Virtual Worlds, writer life
Research Gone Wrong cont.
Last week I shared a little incident that occurred while I was doing research for Snatch Me at one of Second Life’s capture roleplay sims. Virtual worlds are complex to navigate, Second Life especially, and let’s keep in mind I was only six months out from my rez date–not sure how old that is in real years–which means I looked and acted like a complete dork most of the time. At risk of ruining my image as a glamorous, sophisticated writer of romance, I will bow to reader requests and tell you what happened next. What would you do if a giant,nearly-naked man hooked a leash around your neck?I took…