Cottage Garden by sean hickin on Flickr – Photo Sharing! I wrote this in response to an assignment for I class I was taking several years ago. My younger sister saw the page on my desk and said, “What a pretty poem.” I explained that it wasn’t a poem and I didn’t know anything about writing poetry. She told me the coolest thing about poetry is that there don’t have to be any rules. I was hooked. So, I’m still indulging in my ruleless scribbling and still envying those who can apply the formal rules so beautifully. I envy the beauty of a formal garden. I imagine appearing neatly clipped,…
- GretchenRubin, Happiness, HappinessProject, LauraKinsale, LessonsinFrench, Milestones, Personal, SundayScribblings
Milestones to Happiness
zenera on Flickr I don’t know if I believe in the idea of spiritual synchronicity, but when something tries to insert itself in my life on three different occasions, I give it some attention. Such was the case with The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin. I think it may be the first case of a book stalking a reader. But that’s a long story and the point is that after a month of being accosted by a book I hadn’t intended to read (the sample chapter lurking on my Nook is there because a friend wanted to look it over and the local B&N was out of copies) I have…
When You Dare
I made a resolution at the start of the year, this year I would take the plunge and focus on submitting as many projects as I could to publishers. I dared to have faith in my creative vision. I set my heart on landing a contract before the year was over. I signed one last week for my novel, The Tiger’s Tale. Dare to have faith in yourself. This week’s Sunday Scribblings prompt was: Dare. Read what other Sunday Scribblers have dared here.