How Not to Get Outwitted by a Virtual Hunt
It’s easy to feel witless when you first tackle a virtual world, and Second Life has a reputation for a brain-twisting learning curve. I’d like to say that wasn’t my experience, but I have done my share of smacking into doors that close before I can get through them, getting stuck on low hanging objects when I fly, and getting dumped bald and naked into the center of a crowd of people because my viewer crashed while I was changing and delivered me to someplace not my home when I logged back in. Second Life has been working harder at making itself more accessible, and while some of these things…
Flipping Out
It’s not the grown up thing to wish.I should be worrying about traffic.Long lines at the grocery store.How long it takes to cleara mile of country road.But I’m thinking of how the stars will wink,when I turn my first flip of the season.Please let it really snow Sunday. This post is a contribution to G-Man’s Friday Flash 55. Drop by his blog to see what others have written or to join the fun yourself.
Braoadband Blessing Spray? I’ll buy It!
This is what I need: B-R-O-A-D-B-A-N-D!!!!!! I need an angelic provider to beam high speed into my little house in the woods. I need capless data usage, or an alternative to the 10 buck per gigabyte swindles the modern day carpetbaggers sell on roadside towers. The internet is a way to make a living, a job portal in rural regions with few jobs and none of them hi-tech. Give me something better than this hiccuping creeping connection that leaves my work and my concentration in ruins. Are there shrines to bandwidth gods? Can I pay gold? Light a special candle? Cast a spell? Is there a bandwidth blessing spray I…