• Flash Fiction,  Friday 55,  Word Count,  Writing Life

    What He Wants

    What he wants is the first whisper in my earbefore my eyes have openedWhat he wants peels back the coverspries me from the bedchains me to my desk Time to serveI count out my sentenceI need three moreI need five lesshis want owns me for 55 words This post was written as part of G-Man’s Friday Flash 55. Click here to see what others have written or to join the fun yourself.

  • ARG,  Old Hag Syndrome,  other dimensional beings,  plot bunny tales,  shadow beings,  sleep paralysis

    What You Should Know About Shadows

    Shadow Facts:A shadow is a void, an impenetrable absence.There are the dark puddles cast by forms light can’t penetrate.Mountains cast the rain shadows we call desserts.Vacuums cast sound shadows, pure pockets of silence.Death is a shadow the living can’t penetrate. Shadow Being Aliases:Old HagCrushing DemonUmbra (darkest part of any kind of shadow)Pressing GhostDepressionOrgun Oru (nocturnal warfare)Common theme here–malevolence Shadow Being Facts: They slink into the world from the earth’s umbra, from the umbra of the night (that still, silent time before dawn),from the umbra of the room where their intended sleeps.The source, or void, that casts a shadow being remains a mystery. Shadow Attack Facts:By the time the intended is…

  • Random

    Good Girls Will

    Everyone knows good girls will  go blind *looking at that*reading that*touching that  go insane*learning too much*thinking too hard*touching that  get a reputation by*befriending too many boys*testing traditions*letting him touch that So if I’m*not blind*not insane*don’t have a reputationI must be a very bad girl This post was written in response to this week’s Carry On Tuesday prompt. Click here to see what others wrote or to join the fun yourself. This poem is also part of Open Link Night at dVerse Poets Pub