Flash Fiction,  legend,  nature,  Paranormal,  Romance,  Selkie

Fathomless Love

1. Liquid Letters
She haunts the black cliffs by day, walks the shore at night. Memories cocoon parched heart. Reality shredding hope as jagged rocks shred surf.
Seven tears cast upon the ocean, one for each year she’s waited. Encrypted pheremones and DNA. Her love letter. A summons wrapped in white caps, delivered via Poseidon’s pony express. A Love endangered, bouyed by watery dreams.
Beast summoned from sea. Man summoned from beast.

2. Riptide
He rides the surf in after the first sunset of the spring.
Tongues tangle, limbs entwine on first contact, every minute precious, measured in undulant beat of bodies braided with swirling sand and foam.
Seal song rising, a duet of sighs and moans. His luminous eyes plumb the depths of her heart, perceiving his woman’s desires. Nimble tongue uncovers cached pearl, as easily as his sleek form plumbed sea.

3. Remittance
Burning through 364 weeks of missed passion in twelve hours, parting as the first crescent of sun peers over earth’s rim. He’s gone with the turning tide.
Lonely nights and a nursery full of dark-haired children, born seven years apart. Babes who swim before they can walk, never talk, but speak their love with soulful eyes and wordless song. This the price she pays to be the selkie’s wife.

~Nara Malone

Seal photo by Des Colhoun


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