Losing Mikey
Going down by n0nick on Flickr – Photo Sharing! Death came out of nowhere, grief arcing across a bright blue autumn sky.Your mother rocks in her chair, empty-armed, shattered.Your father tightens doorknobs, oils hinges, mends tools, fixes every broken thing he can find.It’s like watching a stunt plane in a spiraling dive, bracing for a crash.I steal the faucet washers. ~Nara Malone This post was written for G-Man’s Friday Flash 55. See what other participants wrote here.
Friday Flash 55: Wipeout
Big Wave Surfing Teahupoo Tahiti on Flickr – Photo Sharing! It’s common wisdom — never ask for signs.But why? A sign could reveal the right choice.Concentrate on writing or concentrate on my business?I wanted a bold, clear sign.But 1600 gallons of water into the business?I think I could have got it with a smaller hint —a post-it instead of a billboard. ~Nara Okay, this wasn’t fiction, but I wish it was. Wait. No, no. I don’t wish anything! I take that back! Anyone else ever had a wish go wrong in a big way? See what other Friday Flash 55 participants wrote about. Today is the last day to get…
Friday Flash 55: Black Fruit
Flickr Photo Download: Black and White Blueberries Your seeds are the germ of desirestoo dark to share, and so they’re left on ice:never to blossom, go to fruit, go back to seed. The seeds are locked away in a vault,in an icebound cave,and there they will stay. It’s a shame.You could have sown those fantasiesin me. This is an old project I rewrote as flash fiction for G-man’s Friday Flash 55. He’s got a great flash this week and so do his other contributors. Drop by for more great reading.