- #FutureOfStorytelling, #VirtualReality, Creative Inspiration, Creativity, muse, Nara Malone, Nara's Nook
Metaverse Muses: The Oracle
A common meme passed from writer to writer is that you can’t wait on inspiration to write. Supposedly, you must plant your butt in the chair and bang out drivel until something useful shows up on the page. I don’t see that either waiting for inspiration or pouring out pages of glop to find the good stuff is terribly efficient. One is a static method of waiting on the muse and the other active. It’s all waiting. Why can’t you just go out and hunt down the inspiration you need? Or, my preferred method, conjure inspiration from pixels. Not all of my muses look the same. I think I have…
Missing Muse
From August 28, 2011 I don’t sleep much. Lately, I don’t sleep. Have you ever felt like something was creeping up on you? I don’t mean a physical thing, but a change, something that will turn your life inside out. That’s how I feel now. I wish I had a magic mirror or crystal ball that would give me a glimpse of what’s coming. I feel like I have this countdown clock ticking away in the background of my life and I don’t know if it’s counting down to something bright and beautiful or if it will blow this rickety built little world of mine into so much straw. The…
- demon, Immersive Fiction, inspiration, Metaverse, muse, Nara Malone, Passionate Reads, pole dancing, programming, second life, Three Word Wednesday, tiger, werewolf, Writing Life
Message from the Metaverse to Three Word Wednesday
This is not fiction. I’m reasonably sure it’s not fiction, but the lines between what we call real and unreal get blurrier each day. It started like every morning. I was preparing to chain myself to my desk and get some real writing done. I had purchased a new writing desk to inspire me and was dragging the box into my office when a message popped up on my laptop. “How are you today?” I didn’t recognize the name attached to the IM and sorry to say can’t recall it now. If your brain had to twist itself around the kind of experiences I was in for, you’d forget a…