• Code,  code addiction,  Poetry,  video games,  virtual fun,  writing addiction

    Fractaled Mind

    Nara turns herself into a butterfly… Last night, as the sun slid down to the horizon, reality and fantasy were still firmly encamped on opposite shores. Clinging to middle ground,  I resisted choosing sides. Until the stars–guides to mathematicians and dreamers–filled in the darkening canvas with a Van Gogh painting. Logic went fuzzy. Purple bled black. Last night, as moon rode steeds of violet fluff, differences downsized. Ones and zeroes courted similes and metaphors. Code entwined with prose, an unholy entanglement shattered physical laws. Paradox collided with coastline, tossing ragged lines of poetry ashore. I gathered them like shells, stuffing pockets with syllables to be arranged tomorrow, when reason dawned.…

  • Friday 55,  Grief,  healing through art,  Poetry

    Friday 55: On Missing

    My first stab at giving grief a face three years ago. Not pretty. Ragged feelings on the page.  It gave voice to that raw, empty ache I had in my middle, that something missing. I could barely form sentences and needed a picture to take up the slack. Making poetry and art helped me through. ~Nara Malone This post is for my running buddy Violet who just buried her mother.For +Mera Kranfel who just lost a friend.For my dad–still missing you Daddy but most days the memories have smiles attached instead of tears.And for G-Man and the Friday 55 gang–missing you all is something I can fix.Drop buy G-Man’s site on…

  • Backside,  illnness,  Life,  Love,  Poetry,  surfing

    Turning Tide

     ..   Surf’s almost up SugarLet’s catch these last curlsToes to nose Schwack-pumping juicy wavesTubed in tandemBanging the backside of life Carve-ripping the cavesInto acid-drop nose divesNo worries for the future Let’s cruise it ’til we lose itGet hell-munchedPeeled and shredded, until… Nothing matters but usGoing frothyTwo rag dolls pasted to the shore ~~Nara Malone This was originally written for Sunday Scribblings and then later tweaked because the theme that day just didn’t quite fit where I wanted this to go. Tonight I’m sharing with dVerse Poets Pub. Go here to see what others wrote or to join the fun yourself.