- author life, book trailer, Cooking, fire, Friday 55, Hard Alley, Hard Rust, Nara Malone, second life, Snatch Me
Authors Beware: Recipe for Disaster
This is why it happened.I was on autopilot–my head writing a story,the rest of me in the kitchen. Always a recipe for disaster.Virtual world FLAMES crawledinto the Real world.The smoke detector SCREAMED Two pots got welded together. Forget dinner.Stick to the story:Writers cook best outside a kitchen. ~~Can you tell I’ve been working on a book trailer for Snatch Me all week? The story has nothing to do with cooking, but some of the pictures are from my work on the story trailer. A story that’s apparently hot enough to scorch my kitchen. Hope you enjoyed my Friday 55. Drop by G-Mans site to see what others wrote or to…
Catch-Up Week
Jolie and Waster in the Swamp Hey it’s Jolie again. This is catch-up week in the contest. Thanks to all of those already here and working hard to find Nara. This week’s feature world is the Quarterz Swamp. It may sound and look intimidating, but it’s really quite beautiful. To encourage you all to give it a try, we’re going to give anyone who logs into the world a thousand points. Yup, just log in and you’ll be in the drawing for the Nook Color. Spend five or more minutes inworld and you’ll be in this week’s gift card drawing. If you’ve already made the points you need to get…
- Erotic Romance, game writing, Nara Malone, Nara Malone's Books, Opportunities, persevering, Personal, romance games, silver linings, Snatch Me, Spirtit Wlaker's Curse of the Cypress Witch, Sunday Scribblings, The Dungeon Gourmet, The Tiger's Tale, Writing Life
Opportunity’s Disguises
As Disasters While we may dream of opportunity knocking on our door in the form of Oprah bringing us a new car or hitting the lottery, the biggest opportunities in my life have come disguised as something less appealing. When my father was dying and my sister was crumbling under the stress of taking care of him, we made a pact to sign up for a fiction workshop and get a start on the novels we’d always talked about writing one day. It became an escape from the reality of hospital waiting rooms and long hours at the dialysis clinic. At the end of three months I had about 30…