Fractaled Mind
Nara turns herself into a butterfly… Last night, as the sun slid down to the horizon, reality and fantasy were still firmly encamped on opposite shores. Clinging to middle ground, I resisted choosing sides. Until the stars–guides to mathematicians and dreamers–filled in the darkening canvas with a Van Gogh painting. Logic went fuzzy. Purple bled black. Last night, as moon rode steeds of violet fluff, differences downsized. Ones and zeroes courted similes and metaphors. Code entwined with prose, an unholy entanglement shattered physical laws. Paradox collided with coastline, tossing ragged lines of poetry ashore. I gathered them like shells, stuffing pockets with syllables to be arranged tomorrow, when reason dawned.…
- addiction, bete noir, black beast, euphmism, hot coffee mod, insatiable, java, joe, junkie, lust, oral, Sex, video games
La Bête Noir
His pre-timed growl my alarm clock hauling me by my hair to pay justifiable homage fragrant musk curls steamy promises making my veins twitch for ribbed handle grip like a junkie anticipating needle’s prick deep-throated scalding splash guzzling ecstasy lapping last drop quivering on rim leaves me hyped begging for another cup of Joe ~Nara Malone *Interesting factoid of the week.The video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas included an inaccessible minigame later dubbed the Hot Coffee mod. I don’t know why that’s important. I may have overdone the coffee this morn. Weighing in at a trim 55 words this post is part of this week’s Friday Flash 55 and…