• dreams,  Flash 55,  Flash Fiction,  nature,  Nature Poetry,  night lover,  Poetry,  sensual prose poem

    Night Watch

    Night makes love to me from its darkest heart. Solitude scalding retro innocence.Twinkling eyes, a turquoise universesend chill bumps up my arms. Owl flute, cricket violin,spilling seedhaunting notes running over my skin.Micro alchemy. Cold breath against the toe peeking from under cover.Intrastimulation eating thoughts,dissolving reality with onyx tears. ~Nara This post was written as a contribution to G-man’s Friday Flash 55. Click here to see what others wrote or to join the fun yourself.

  • dverse poets,  Lost in words,  Poetry,  Writing Life


    I get lostSomewhere between coffee and breakfastI got lostI tumbled through cream rendered cloudsinto the black caffeinated depths of an all-night dinerAnd there I was ensnared by the couple making love with their eyesover juice and toast I get lostSomewhere between ordering hash-browns and dousing them in ketchupI got lostBefore the first forkful found my mouthA woman extracted herself from a cup of coffee with a notebook and penInky blue lines curled up from coffee-stained pages to ensnare me I get lostSomewhere between the gleam in your eye and the promise in your smileI got lostI tumbled into possibilitiesWhere I might goWho I might beIf I don’t let you take…