Gun Control #erotic #poetry #NaraMalone
Some are flasherswaving their loaded weapon wide-eyed attentionmakes it stand proud Some prefer concealmentsecret powerdramatic revealthe rush of new respect But all guns Wanta holstera tight embrace leather, latex, silky heatwhether they ease inor slam home… once holsteredvelvet squeeze fingering hair-trigger then yes, thenevery gun cravesprays for gun control ~Nara Malone On April 16, 2007 a mentally ill boy came within a few seconds of blowing a hole in my life that I would never have recovered from. He came within seconds not once, but twice. I don’t have the heart to write about that. If I’ve crossed a line here, I apologize. I needed to shoot back. This post…
Tell Me No
Warning!!! Naughty thoughts ahead. If you don’t like sex in your 55, don’t continue. No is a wet word You deliver it dry harshYou say don’t darecuz You know I‘ll dare And thenI’ll be badin troublepretend repentant Say itBut make it drip dangerMake me badthenPunish me Make mesay sorryWrite it100 timesin sticky trailsacross satin sheets ~Nara This post written as a contribution to G-Man’s Friday Flash 55. Drop by and see what others wrote.
Size Matters #EroticAuthorsTweet
nara_malone: UPS guy can’t find me.
brandi_evans: Oh sorry…I redirected him to my house. Did I forget to mention that?
nara_malone: Called him, guiding him in #nicetry tibbyarmstrong: *snicker* #juvenilehumor nara_malone: Wow. It’s really big!!! brandi_evans: Man, my mind just went straight to gutter.
nara_malone: size does matter… brandi_evans: LMAO!! True that!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I had to shorten the tweets to get them to fit, but I think I got all the pertinent details in.
Thanks to authors Brandi Evans and Tibby Armstrong for their contributions. Follow them on twitter for more sizzling conversations. This post was written as a contribution to G-mans Friday Flash 55. See…