Size Matters #EroticAuthorsTweet
nara_malone: UPS guy can’t find me.
brandi_evans: Oh sorry…I redirected him to my house. Did I forget to mention that?
nara_malone: Called him, guiding him in #nicetry tibbyarmstrong: *snicker* #juvenilehumor nara_malone: Wow. It’s really big!!! brandi_evans: Man, my mind just went straight to gutter.
nara_malone: size does matter… brandi_evans: LMAO!! True that!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I had to shorten the tweets to get them to fit, but I think I got all the pertinent details in.
Thanks to authors Brandi Evans and Tibby Armstrong for their contributions. Follow them on twitter for more sizzling conversations. This post was written as a contribution to G-mans Friday Flash 55. See…
Friday 55: Ashes #flashfiction
Heart Aflame by BozDoz on Flickr photo sharing “Focus,” he said, tugging the rope. But how? Her mind ran in circles, this way and that, yapping like a little dog. He layered pleasure and pain, smothering thoughts with an escalating craving for Him, consuming her in flames, until nothing remained but a soft floating feeling – ashes of who she had been, landing. This post is in response to G-Man’s Friday Flash 55. Participants tell a story in 55 words. See what other participants wrote here.