Fathomless Love
1. Liquid LettersShe haunts the black cliffs by day, walks the shore at night. Memories cocoon parched heart. Reality shredding hope as jagged rocks shred surf.Seven tears cast upon the ocean, one for each year she’s waited. Encrypted pheremones and DNA. Her love letter. A summons wrapped in white caps, delivered via Poseidon’s pony express. A Love endangered, bouyed by watery dreams.Beast summoned from sea. Man summoned from beast. 2. RiptideHe rides the surf in after the first sunset of the spring.Tongues tangle, limbs entwine on first contact, every minute precious, measured in undulant beat of bodies braided with swirling sand and foam.Seal song rising, a duet of sighs and…
Night Watch
Night makes love to me from its darkest heart. Solitude scalding retro innocence.Twinkling eyes, a turquoise universesend chill bumps up my arms. Owl flute, cricket violin,spilling seedhaunting notes running over my skin.Micro alchemy. Cold breath against the toe peeking from under cover.Intrastimulation eating thoughts,dissolving reality with onyx tears. ~Nara This post was written as a contribution to G-man’s Friday Flash 55. Click here to see what others wrote or to join the fun yourself.
- Carry On Tuesday, lake, Love, nature, Poetry, rainmaking, Three Word Wednesday, threesome, water cycle
Rain Making
I’m combining two prompts this week (didn’t finish this in time to post it yesterday and I needed something more to make this work, like the 3 words from Three Word Wednesday!) so I made it a little longer than usual. We’re closing in on drought conditions here, and I thought I might try to tease a little rain from the clouds. Three Word Wednesday words are: bait, jump, victim This Week’s Carry On Tuesday Prompt is from the first line of the 2008 novelThe Invention of Everything Else by Samantha Hunt Lightning first, then the thunder. And in between the two…….. The Lake Liquid Light glides over her skin.She shivers,…