A Writer’s Dream: Getting to Pleasure
Once I found a secret story hidden behind a rabbit’s picture on a web page. Clicking the link revealed a journal kept by a writer. It’s been a while now, but the part I remember most was that she found a magic mirror. I don’t recall why she was drawn to put it on her desk and stare into it before she started writing. She said it was as if all her internal resistance to getting down to work vanished when she did that. Writing wasn’t hard when she looked in that mirror. Telling stories turned from struggle to pleasure. She could write for hours, forgetting who she was, where…
The Plot Bunny’s Tale
Before Nara ever heard the term plot bunny,bunnies showed up in her stories.One taught a tiger how to teleport — The Tiger’s Tale.One taught the hero how to use Google — The Mesmerist’s Tale.Now they’ve turned up on her blog — Plot Bunny’s Tale:An internet adventure to feed your head.Watch for rabbits. ~~This Is Not Nara *** Apparently this post is a contribution to the Friday 55. I just want to say, Nara (me)is not responsible for what stray rabbits post on her blog. Apparently this adventure can’t start until I follow that plot bunny down the rabbit hole. Not gonna happen. No way that’s happening. I’ve never heard of…
I don’t know how things were back then, but I like believing when they lifted me from the warm sea of my mother’s body, they tucked me right into your arms. I like thinking there was a small window of happiness for you and mother, before the tide turned and she slipped away. I was born in Houston, a city tucked between two rivers and Galveston Bay. My earliest memories are of running to keep up with you in the foaming surf and you swinging me up high to ride in the crook of your arm when the big waves came. I learned the art of storytelling listening to tall…